August 27, 2023

The workbench continued it focus on Star Wars.  I began the week continuing/completing the painting and rebasing of my basic battle droids by Wizards of the Coast.  I’ve lost count, but my guess is that I have about 120… probably a few more.  I also painted one unmodified Ugnaught/Boss by WOTC.  With those done I turned my attention to the little fellas… Ewoks and Jawas.  Once again they are by Wizards of the Coast.  I also painted two unmounted Dewbacks and a Ronto… all swap meet finds. I modified one of the WOTC Jawas for the Ronto driver and added reins using twisted floral wire.

August 20, 2023

My focus this week was completely on my Wizards of the Coast Star Wars collection.   I painted a lot of battle droids (Vallejo Model Color Medium Grey), four Darth Vader figures, and a number of random figures.  I did one significant modification using two Ugnaught figures (Boss and Demolition).  The biggest modification (most complex) was moving Boss’ arms and hands from behind his back to his front… came out pretty well.

August 13, 2023

I finished detailing and basing (no base texturing as yet) the last of my Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Stormtroopers.  I think I now have just over 120 of them.  With those done I turned my attention to some Imperial officers.  I finished out my Wizards-of-the-Coast week modifying and painting some more of the odd characters that make up my Star Wars collection, one of which is a Ugnaught Kuiil created by combining the body of Ugnaught Demolitionist with the head of Ugnaught Boss along with some odds and ends.

Today (Saturday) at the swap meet I found a Lego Rancor.  I gave up thinking about buying a WOTC Rancor because the asking price on eBay was consistently $100 and up.  When I found this Lego Rancor, I realized it was my best option.  It was in perfect condition and the asking price was only $5.  That afternoon I cut off the two visible Lego stumps on the shoulders and filled the gaps in the leg and arm interiors with Milliput.  I also gave it a Milliput base.  That ended the workbench week.

August 6, 2023

This was a week for lots and lots of modification and painting of Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars figures:

·      3 figures painted as Rebel troopers

·      19 figures modified and painted as thugs, assassins, smugglers, bounty hunters and pirates

·      41 stormtrooper figures painted (mostly clean-up and detailing)

·      3 imperial scouts painted (detailed)

The bases have not yet been textured because I still am thinking through the look I want them to have.